
Alps & Ocean Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy & Conscious Talk

Online and in person

In association with


Do you long to find fulfillment and purpose in life?



Heal your issue at the root.
Holistic Hypnotherapy is a profound as well as very effective modality using proven therapy methods in combination with hypnosis. It allows you to go back to and heal the root cause of the issue you are experiencing in today’s life. With that, you are able to overcome everything that keeps you from living a fulfilling, healthy and happy life.
Topics addressed by Hypnotherapy vary from traumatic experiences to destructive inner beliefs, negative relationship patterns, anxiety, exhaustion, negative emotional patterns, fears and phobias, habits, addictions, stress, depressive upset, forgiveness, lack of self-worth, confidence and self-love or any other block in any other area of life.

Price for 1 online Hypnotherapy session (3 hours): 420,- CHF (about 500,- USD)

Each Hypnotherapy session varies depending on what the needs of the client are.  It may include trauma healing, shadow-work, inner child-work, emotional release, somatic release, forgiveness therapy, correcting & upgrading beliefs relating to the self and to the world at large, breath work and the use of the energetic body.
Each individual has the natural ability to heal themselves. My role is to facilitate this process by working with the client’s innate power to heal.
The Holistic Hypnotherapy process carried out is focused on resolving the topic first and foremost. I aim to do so in as little time as possible while still attending to the overall well-being of the client.
A session contains a 30 to 45 minutes pre-talk, a 2-hour Hypnotherapy portion and a brief post-talk
One Hypnotherapy session takes 3 hours. Online and in person.

1 Hypnotherapy Session

Overcome certain issues.
Ideal for mindset shifts, forgiveness, grief, loss, general blocks, certain lighter traumas, phobias and fears (f.ex. flying, public speaking, spiders, heights), general emotional overwhelm, unwanted reactions, …

upgrade of certain internal beliefs, gaining clarity and insight on yourself, and more.
One Hypnotherapy session takes 3 hours. Online and in person.
Price for 1 online Hypnotherapy session: 420,- CHF

3 Hypnotherapy Sessions

Let go of what’s holding you back.
Ideal for lack of self-confidence, relationship patterns, abundance blocks, lighter psychosomatic pains, lighter anxiety, trauma work, depressive upset, exhaustion, stress and overwhelm, …

compulsions, certain addictions, insomnia, emotional balancing, and for everyone who wishes to work on several lighter topics.
One Hypnotherapy session takes 3 hours. 1 session every 2 weeks. Online and in person.
Package price for 3 online Hypnotherapy sessions: 1200,- CHF

6 Hypnotherapy Sessions

Step into your power.
Ideal for deep internal reset and empowerment, for everyone who wishes to transform their life, lack of self-worth and self-love, deeper trauma work, severe anxiety or panic attacks, stronger addictions and compulsions, …

more sever psychosomatic pains, lack of universal trust, emotional balancing and reset, and for everyone who suffers from various symptoms/issues listed in the one and three Sessions packages.
One Hypnotherapy session takes 3 hours. 1 session every 2-4 weeks. Online and in person.
Package price for 6 online Hypnotherapy sessions: 2240,- CHF

Conscious Talk

Reconnect with yourself.
In each conscious talk therapy session we will use different therapeutic approaches within a conversation. This includes work with the inner child, Gestalt therapy, part therapy, breath work, work with the energetic body etc. Best suited for those who do not feel ready yet to dive deep into the subconscious yet, and those who are longing for someone to simply listen and hold space.

Every problem in our lives has the potential to teach us more about ourselves and to be overcome. Therefore, topics addressed in Conscious Talk sessions are infinite. Common topics are: Relationship problems and patterns, any recurring issues, losses, distressing emotions (like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, helplessness), decreased overall well-being, fears and worries, lack of confidence in life or others, low self-worth, etc.

The goals of this form of therapy are: 

    • Identifying subconscious beliefs, patterns, certain hidden parts of yourself, wounds of your inner child, traumas etc. 
    • Getting to know yourself better. 
    • Satisfying an important need: to be heard, seen and accepted in your fullness.
    • Reconnecting with your true Self.
    • Recognizing your own inherent abilities to overcome your problems and create a happy life. 
    • Healing.

One Conscious Talk session lasts 1.5 hours. Online und in Person.
Price per session: 225 ,- CHF

traditional yoga

Audio Hypnosis

Connect with the power of your subconscious mind.
Audio Hypnosis (often called clinical hypnosis) is ideal for anyone who desires profound change while experiencing an inner state of peace and calm.
The state of hypnosis allows positive suggestions to become deeply embedded in your subconscious mind – and all you have to do is relax, listen and receive.

Upon request, I can develop and record a hypnosis audio that is specifically tailored to your needs, issues, wounds, desires, and dreams. A personalized hypnosis recording increases the effectiveness fundamentally.
Price per individual recording: 330,- CHF

For all others, here is a selection of recordings with different focuses:
(about to come)
Price per recording: 20,- CHF

Kindly reach out to me via Email (marie@alpsandocean.com) to order yours.


I see it as my calling to encourage and guide people to find healing, fulfillment and purpose in life.
A long and never ending journey of self-development is an essential requirement for my work. In combination with my education, it enables me to support you on your personal journey as best as possible. I myself experienced how much your life is changing to the good when you overcome your own limitations and when you follow your inner voice.
Hypnotherapy, Talk Therapy, Mother Nature, various other therapeutical modalities, Meditation and Traditional Hatha Yoga led me back to my true self. These approaches enabled me to follow my inner truth and to find my home in carrying out therapy and healing sessions. I am 100% certain that these precious methods will do the same for you.
Let’s do it, let’s regain the control over your life. The only person who can take the leap to a fulfilling life is you. So do what your inner truth tells you to do – create a life that is your very own perfect life. Choose a life that is working for you.


My qualifications:
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland & San Diego State University, USA
Master of Arts in Organizational Development, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Cert. Hypnotherapist by National Guild of Hypnotists USA & Holistic Healing Hypnosis, Bali, Indonesia
Cert. Coach in process-and resource-oriented Coaching, Agthe AG, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
Yoga Teacher in Traditional Hatha Yoga, 200HR, The Practice Bali, Indonesia
Reiki I, GN Reiki Meditation Center, Pokhara, Nepal
Pre- & Postnatal Yoga Teacher, 10HR, The Practice Bali, Indonesia
Basics of Kinesiology, IKAMED Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training, Center for Mindfulness & Resilience, St. Gallen, Switzerland

My professional journey:
I started my working-life in big cooperations in my early twenties. I was always working in or around cooperations, climbing up the corporate career ladder and taking on different roles as a Diversity & Inclusion Manager, a Project Leader in the fields of Organizational Development, HR and Organizational Culture as well as a Senior Consultant. During this time I completed numerous trainings in the fields of mental and physical health. Working for so many years in the business, leadership and management environment made me gain a lot of life experience, until I took the leap and followed my path.
Ever since then, I guide people to overcome their limitations and to create a fulfilling life.


I see it as my calling to encourage and guide people to find healing, fulfillment and purpose in life.
A long and never ending journey of self-development is an essential requirement for my work. In combination with my education, it enables me to support you on your personal journey as best as possible. I myself experienced how much your life is changing to the good when you overcome your own limitations and when you follow your inner voice.
Hypnotherapy, Talk Therapy, Mother Nature, various other therapeutical modalities, Meditation and Traditional  Hatha Yoga led me back to my true self. These approaches enabled me to follow my inner truth and to find my home in carrying out therapy and healing sessions. I am 100% certain that these precious methods will do the same for you.
Let’s do it, let’s regain the control over your life. The only person who can take the leap to a fulfilling life is you. So do what your inner truth tells you to do – create a life that is your very own perfect life. Choose a life that is working for you.


My qualifications:
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland & San Diego State University, USA
Master of Arts in Organizational Development, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Cert. Hypnotherapist by National Guild of Hypnotists USA & Holistic Healing Hypnosis, Bali, Indonesia
Cert. Coach in process-and resource-oriented Coaching, Agthe AG, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
Yoga Teacher in Traditional Hatha Yoga, 200HR, The Practice Bali, Indonesia
Reiki I, GN Reiki Meditation Center, Pokhara, Nepal
Pre- & Postnatal Yoga Teacher, 10HR, The Practice Bali, Indonesia
Basics of Kinesiology, IKAMED Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training, Center for Mindfulness & Resilience, St. Gallen, Switzerland

My professional journey:
I started my working-life in big cooperations in my early twenties. I was always working in or around cooperations, climbing up the corporate career ladder and taking on different roles as a Diversity & Inclusion Manager, a Project Leader in the fields of Organizational Development, HR and Organizational Culture as well as a Senior Consultant. During this time I completed numerous trainings in the fields of mental and physical health. Working for so many years in the business, leadership and management environment made me gain a lot of life experience, until I took the leap and followed my path.
Ever since then, I guide people to overcome their limitations and to create a fulfilling life.


Depression & Anxiety

I got to meet Marie during the most difficult time in my life, I was experiencing anxiety and depression. It was so overwelming, I experienced strong sensations in the body everyday, intense feelings of crying most of the time, childhood memories that caused me intense sadness, fear and guiltiness also start showing up regularly to a point were I couldn’t take it any longer. Before meeting Marie, I visited a couple of mentors/ therapists that I left feeling unheard, I couldn’t be vulnerable and didn’t feel safe to talk about all that was happening within myself, things that I was trying to hide because of fear of being judge, and fear of this side of me that needed love and attention. I knew that I could trust Marie since the very first time we meet, in each of our sessions she took the time to listen, to give me the space to feel safe to show my emotions and to talk about everything and anything that I was experiencing. Marie is emphatic, respectful, intelligent, understanding and nonjudgmental. Thanks to the hypnotherapy sessions I learned so much about myself, I had the opportunity to release a lot of things that were holding me back, I also learned to give myself the time and space to heal and to trust more in myself and others. I feel so grateful for each of our hypnotherapy sessions and I feel grateful to have meet such a wonderful therapist and the amazing woman that Marie is.

28, USA


I am very well! I’ve been in a really good mood for two days! It is not easy not to think about it, but I try to let it rest and put it aside. The evening after and the next day I was physically tired and also had a headache, but then it went away quickly and I feel a bit like on clouds :)! As if someone had discovered an unrecognized and strangely overgrown wound and carefully treated and re-stitched, so that it can heal properly and maybe even without a scar (I have this image somehow in my head…). Anyway, I’m super happy that I did it and I’m excited to see how it evolves! Thank you very much!

48, Germany

Personal Transformation

Wow! I can only recommend Marie. I got to know her when I was confronted with very drastic changes in my life and literally didn’t know what to do with myself. After just one session I could feel a significant improvement. In the meantime, I have already had 4 sessions with her, on various topics and those will certainly not be the last ones ;) She is fantastic in her work. Thanks to her, I was able to dissolve my biggest blockages and since then I go through life much easier and happier, as if a switch had been flipped. I feel absolutely comfortable and secure in every session and have the utmost trust in her and her work. I am incredibly grateful to her and can only recommend her from the bottom of my heart. No book in the world will bring such profound positive changes as Marie does with her work. 

28, Germany

Various intense childhood traumas

I began treatment with Marie for my C-PTSD recently, and just one session has helped me tremendously. She has such a unique and powerful approach, one unlike any of my previous experiences with hypnotherapy. The changes began immediately, which absolutely amazed me. That night, I had the deepest and most restorative sleep that I’ve enjoyed in years. Marie followed up with me for three days after, and checked in again a week after treatment. I was so excited to share with her how much better I felt. I was even inspired to resume painting, an activity that I’d lost to my anxiety and trauma. I recommend Marie in the highest terms, and assure you that she is an extremely gifted and skilled practitioner. I’ve had hypnotherapy in the past that was far more expensive, and far less effective. I’m so excited to have found Marie, and I will be continuing my treatment with her to resolve other issues or challenges that arise. I have no doubt that she can help so many people with a vast spectrum of situations and needs. I strongly encourage you to work with Marie for your mental health needs.

42, USA

Panic attacks

My first session with Marie was absolutely mindblowing! Since having panic attacks on and off for almost 15 years, I decided I didn’t want to leave it to chance anymore when and if they would come & let them take my ease and happiness. I believe that Marie has some kind of sixth sense when it comes to helping people! She is amazing! She made me feel safe and comfortable during the 3 hours session. Just after 1 session I already feel so much lighter, calm and confident to go through the day and now, 7 days after the session my panick attacks disappeared. If you are dealing with panick attacks, you can be helped! I always thought I have to get over this myself, but I was so wrong. Thank you so much, Marie!

36, Germany


The only words I can say is “WOW!!!” I’ve had 2 sessions now with Marie, and both times have been incredibly deep. But the most unique way in which she works is how she allows the session to where ever it needs to go and holds such an incredibly safe space while doing that. Both sessions have left me with a strong sense of clarity and insight.

34, South Africa

Self-love & Self-worth

You did something mind-blowing with me! Mind-blowing, brilliant, liberating! Haven’t smoked since the night before our session, went to sleep at 10 already yesterday and this morning I actually had the motivation to go for a run straight away …..it’s a bit unbelievable. Yesterday I was pretty tired the rest of the day but soooooo satisfied ! It’s like you planted the seed to inner peace in my belly – now I just have to take good care of it so that it can bloom. Am infinitely and deeply grateful for your time and energy, Marie! I really hope that someday I can give you back at least a little bit of the miracle you gave me.

29, Germany


I am doing very well actually – coming away on work can be isolating and my own thoughts can go in strange spirals – but I’m feeling more at peace than usual; actually much more than I can remember in a long while!

33, UK

Unwanted reactions

I felt very safe and heard in her presence which put me at ease because I was a little nervous. Before I went in I felt such heaviness in my shoulders with all that I was carrying around with me. After our session I felt lighter, I felt like I was releasing certain things I was holding on to. After our session she regularly checked in on me to see how I was doing which was so nice because she really does care about how her clients are doing and wants to see them feeling better. As the days passed I was feeling better and better. The heaviness was getting lighter and lighter and on the last day she checked in I was able to honestly tell her that what I previously got quite upset about, it had dissolved and I was no longer thinking about it all the time! I’m very grateful to have been recommended such a kind hearted sincere soul to help me. I would highly recommend Marie as a hypnotherapist!

27, Ireland

Relationship pattern

I’ve woken up feeling good. During the days I’ve had an optimistic feeling about the future in a sense that I am in some way new. I’m stoked.

43, USA

Speaking her truth

I had so much to let go at the time I sat with Marie in this beautiful space. The energy of the place and Marie made me feel really comfortable to open. I knew on what I wanted to work and we defined it clearly at the beginning of the session. I feel more powerful, I express more my truth and trust more my inner voice since I’ve worked with Marie. I would highly recommend her when you are ready to go tap into the roots of some beliefs or fear that are keeping you from being your true self.

28, France


Marie is a wonderful hypnotherapist and coach. Thanks to her, I was finally able to release deep-seated feelings. Since the hypnotherapy session I feel much lighter and happier.

29, Switzerland


Words can inspire the world.

Words can become a page in someone else’s survival guide.


Taking the leap is so worth it


Get in touch with me

To book a session, kindly use my booking system or send me an Email.

    Frequently asked questions

    Read below for the most frequently asked questions. Feel free to message me if you have any further questions.

    Which topics and challenges can you help me with?2021-05-18T10:38:18+02:00

    I can work with pretty much any topic that will help you to create fulfillment in life as well as discover your soul’s purpose. That includes empowering and motivating you as well as working on issues that are holding you back.
    To the same amount, we will be working on issues that are holding you back. This involves negative life patterns, destructive inner beliefs, breaking bad habits, addictions, fears, phobias as well as mental suffering such as traumas, anxiety, burnout, depression, stress blocked energies, fatigue, lethargy. This usually includes recurring life themes, for example romantic relationship problems, struggle at work or issues with family members or friends. Our work can lead to breaking certain habits such as a bad diet, little exercise, poor sleep etc. as well.

    How many sessions will I need?2022-01-07T10:33:28+01:00

    The Hypnotherapy process is focused on resolving the issue first & foremost, and I as a HHHypnosis certified hypnotherapist aim to do so in as little time as possible while still attending to the overall well-being of the client.  For this reason, some issues require no more than 1-2 sessions for the client to feel significant changes regarding the issue. Please check the descriptions under “Services” to see which specific issues can usually be resolved “fast” through hypnotherapy. Generally Hypnotherapy is far more efficient than Talk Therapy for example. Though the client has to be ready and willing to dive deep into unconscious memories and experience uncomfortable emotions. For some clients, it is advisable to start with Talk Therapy or Coaching first for getting to know oneself better, for having someone that truly listens and guides the client step by step back to their true self.
    Naturally, personal evolvement starts with one small step and is never finished. However, it is entirely up to you how many topics you want to address.
    My goal is to empower you as quickly as possible to make the first changes in your life.
    In my experience, there are phases in life where my clients need closer guidance and phases in life where they only need guidance occasionally or not at all.

    How does Hypnotherapy work?2021-05-18T11:02:15+02:00

    Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation that we naturally go into over 20 times every day (when daydreaming, when driving the same road over and over again, when brushing our teeth, making a coffee etc.). Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, very similar to meditation. I will use progressive relaxation, which is the most powerful and natural way to get you into hypnosis. You are fully in control of yourself at all times, you can open your eyes whenever you like. In the state of Hypnosis, we will work with your subconscious mind which is the store house of all your memories. Our goal is to get to the root cause of the issue of today and to resolve whatever is causing trouble for the today version of yourself.

    What do I need to prepare beforehand?2021-05-18T10:51:51+02:00

    Please prepare in one or two sentences what you would like to address. Below this sentence, you may include more details such as when you experience this, what tends to be the triggers, how long you’ve experienced this, and whatever else comes to mind. If you have several points you wish to address, please also prepare them.

    What do I need for an online session?2021-05-18T10:55:02+02:00

    Please make sure you have headphones, charged laptop, downloaded Skype and access to a constantly strong wifi. Make sure you are alone in a quiet and safe place, so you can talk freely. Please chose a room that has a bed or sofa.

    Is there anything that I should not do before my session?2021-05-18T10:58:00+02:00

    Please avoid any coffee or strong caffeinated drinks within 2 hours of the start of the session. Please avoid drinking alcohol within 12 hours of the session. Please avoid any mind-altering drugs (natural and synthetic) within 12 hours of the session and all hallucinogenics 4 days before the session.

    How effective are online sessions?2021-05-18T11:02:50+02:00

    My clients and I have found that online sessions are as effective as in-person sessions. The key to a successful session is to simply relax.