Dear business world, it’s time to stop feeling ashamed of seeing your therapist.

It’s time to stop saying that we’re seeing our coach, and pretending to do this so that we become a better employee - when what’s really happening is that we’re seeing a therapist (or coach who uses therapeutical approaches) to feel better with ourselves and in our life.

We all have shit to deal with.

We all carry wounds inside of us, that are consciously or unconsciously affecting us.

At times in our lives, we all struggle with relationships, feeling stuck as our fears, insecurities, inner beliefs keep us in places, jobs, relationships, in a life that we’re not happy with.

We all at times have moments where our own behavior really doesn’t do anything good to us or in which we’re just feeling stressed, anxious or down.

All of us - seriously all of us should be going to therapy. To become more conscious, more healthy, happy and good at life. To get to know ourselves better. To take responsibility over our own life.

One of my biggest goals besides my work as a therapist is to normalize going to therapy. So here we go - here's pieces and parts of my own story.

I am very well aware that a lot of people, former class mates, former working colleagues, friends, even family members see me in a way, that I’ve always been cheerful, happy and very caring.

But above all, throughout my life, I heard so many people say (in an almost reproachful way) that everything has always been coming so easily to me. And the longest time I’d been believing this myself.

From the outside, my life has looked like this:

I had a happy childhood, growing up with my siblings on the country side. Two successful parents and loving grandparents that took care of us whenever our parents were not around.

I’ve been one of the best in school, graduating High School with excellent grades, open doors to all universities. And that, without ever having to seriously study.

I went to study on a renowned business university. I have always been popular with men. I’ve had an amazing group of friends. I got to move to a different country. I had amazing bosses during my corporate career, that supported me in every step I took.

I got to travel the world in my 20’s.

This all obviously is true. Though it didn’t leave me feeling loved, happy or fulfilled.

Deep down, without even knowing, I felt lonely. Very, very lonely.

And then there was that time that changed my life forever. In the beginning of my 20’s, and after a long back and forth love-story around the world, my boyfriend back then decided to break up with me.

The man, that from the second I'd laid eyes on him for the first time, I believed to be the love of my life. My lover, best friend, partner and home. Only some weeks later, my beloved grand dad passed away, who was the center of my quiet divers family. My rock in life.

I now remember those months like a distant time in my life. I was completely numb. As if my whole Self was moving, living, breathing inside a cloud.

Lucky enough, I did not have any suicidal thoughts, though I completely did loose my will to live. I did not even care about eating anymore.

I spent weeks and weeks lying and surviving on the couch of my mum. After several weeks, I was down to a bodyweight of 48kg, on a height of 1.68m. I was highly undernourished. And I lost a big chunk of my beautiful wild hair.

On the picture, you see myself at that time. I lifted myself off the couch and literally fled to Bali for the first time in my life.

A couple of months later, I got my first job in the corporate world and returned home. Looking back, I honestly can say, that this saved me. I finally had a reason to get out of bed in the morning (which university obviously did not give me).

Though - that deep-seated feeling of loneliness did not go away. And honestly, neither did I know who I was.

Ever since then, I went to see my therapist.

What people still saw on the outside was a picture of the always cheerful, intelligent and successful Marie. Inside of me it looked different.

Apart from my therapist, nobody knew how it really looked inside of me. And it took me quite some years to fully admit to myself, how I was truly feeling.

And it did take me some years more, many ups and downs, men that I dated, different jobs, travels, studies and courses, to consciously figure out who I truly was.

And look where I am at now. I do live my dream and constantly create and chase new dreams.

I had a fantastic career in the Management fields that supported me to become who I am today.

I had the courage to leave this career behind, and start over with a business that deep inside of me I’ve always known to be my path. I support and guide people on their own journey, healing, getting to know themselves better, stepping into their own innate power.

With a modality that I dearly love. I feel so much love for life that it sometimes even brings tears to my eyes. I know myself so well that in times where I’m feeling shit, I can easily navigate myself out there.

AND I do not feel ashamed one single bit to admit - I still see my therapist when I need it just because it helps me in so many ways.

I love getting to know myself better and better.

And also, there’s no way that I could do the work that I am doing today, without experiencing it myself.

But above all, I feel more happy, fulfilled and healthy than ever before. And the best part - this is just the beginning!

So YES - I do believe and know it would serve us all so well to go to therapy - even if it’s only for getting to know oneself better.

I am dreaming of a world where going to therapy becomes normal.

And where people live a truly happy, fulfilled and healthy life, doing what they are meant to do on this planet.

To find out more about the work that I do, visit my website or reach out to me via DM.